Buku Tamu

4 Nov 2014

O&O Defrag Pro 18.0.39

O&O Defrag activates the hidden performance of your computer and packs file fragments efficiently and securely together. O&O Defrag gives you everything from fully automated defragmentation to a professional set up: everything a good defragmentation software should give you. An increasingly fragmented hard disk compromises the performance of your computer. This occurs as a result of frequent write and read access, during your daily routines, while surfing or gaming, or due to frequent user access on Server. For a lasting maximum speed while accessing files, it is important that your data is organized systematically. Windows disperses single file fragments all over the entire hard disk, which increases the time for its access. The defragmentation packs file fragments coherently together on the hard disk and files the data into separate zones. Windows as well as other programs will start and run faster. O&O Defrag includes a clever scheduling function, which allows you to schedule regular automated defragmentations if you wish. In addition, the permanent and automatic optimization in the background is key to prevent a loss in performance of your computer as well as a renewed fragmentation. This will allow you to save time compared to running a manual defragmentation.


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